
BMTC Council Grievance

December 20, 2020

RE: Council Grievance 1284-E; Shops & Supervisors implementing policies in violation of the CBA and/or Labor Laws

In a carte-blanch attempt to subvert the Collective Bargaining Agreement (Union Handbook), and Statute (The Law), Shops and individual Supervisors had implemented considerable policies without notifying, negotiating, or bargaining these policies with their Local Unions. Not only were some policies in violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, some policies were in violation of Labor Laws.

In order to implement ANY policy that will have more than a minimal impact to employees, Management is required to notify and vet it with the Union, prior to making it effective. They cannot get around bargaining new policies by simply crafting up individual ‘Standards and Expectations’ rules like:

Employees are required to do a ‘ship-check’ prior to start of shift.

Employees are required to have all PPE or gear donned prior to the start of shift.

Employees may not get a latte during a 15-minute break.

Employees may not have their cell phone on them during working hours.

Employees may only eat during their lunch break…


Individual Managers are not afforded the ability to make whatever lousy rule they want, just because. MANAGERS ARE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW SPECIFIC GUIDELINES in order to implement new impactful rules and policies to workers. Why? Because you’re covered by your Union, and by The Agreement that Management is required to abide by.

History of this issue:

  • 1LS training was giving improper guidance to Supervisors, encouraging them to create ‘Standards and Expectations,’ which ultimately ended up violating employee’s rights.
  • Your Union had anonymous complaints from employees that their Supervisors were creating some ridiculous rules.
  • The Union filed a Council Grievance on the matter, and the matter was resolved. 1LS training was modified, and individual Supervisor’s Standards and Expectations were abolished. Actual Shipyard Policy and your Collective Bargaining Agreement are the Standards and Expectations for employees to abide by.
  • The Union noticed that some Supervisors didn’t get the memo, and made contacts to ensure that the situation was remedied.

*If your Managers are attempting to ratify, or have ratified policies without your Union being aware, please notify the BMTC immediately so that we can investigate.

Please see the attached Council Grievance Decision.

Thank you,
Bremerton Metal Trades Council